1445 Holland Rd
Maumee, OH 43537
We updated the names of our products recently to help customers who aren’t familiar with us. Nothing is gone, just reorganized!Â
Direct Attach Wall Panel â–¶ Wall Panel
Direct Attached Ceiling Panel â–¶ Ceiling Panel
Skyway Ceiling Cloud â–¶ Cloud
Solid Core Baffle* â–¶ Baffle
Back-to-Back Baffle* â–¶ Baffle
*Both baffles are made the same, only difference being the finish.
Respond A | IR | HI â–¶ Fabric A | IR | HI
Metro Rebound â–¶ Copolymer
Acoustic Art â–¶ Print
New Dimensions â–¶ Paint
Foundations â–¶ Unpainted
Foundations products were always the exact same as New Dimensions, just without paint applied in the factory.
→ Diffusers
→ Reflective Wall Panels
→ Reflective Clouds
→ Omniplane Diffusers
→ Low Frequency Tuners
→ Loaded Vinyl Panels