We updated the names of our products recently to help customers who aren’t familiar with us. Nothing is gone, just reorganized!
Direct Attach Wall Panel ▶ Wall Panel
Direct Attached Ceiling Panel ▶ Ceiling Panel
Skyway Ceiling Cloud ▶ Cloud
Solid Core Baffle* ▶ Baffle
Back-to-Back Baffle* ▶ Baffle
*Both baffles are made the same, only difference being the finish.
Respond A | IR | HI ▶ Fabric A | IR | HI
Metro Rebound ▶ Copolymer
Acoustic Art ▶ Print
New Dimensions ▶ Paint
Foundations ▶ Unpainted
Foundations products were always the exact same as New Dimensions, just without paint applied in the factory.
→ Diffusers
→ Reflective Wall Panels
→ Reflective Clouds
→ Omniplane Diffusers
→ Low Frequency Tuners
→ Loaded Vinyl Panels