Every Conwed datasheet has been upgraded across our site, and is ready for you to download. Besides updated info, you’ll find size info is easier to read, a modified layout, and more.

Auto-update feature

At the bottom right of each datasheet you’ll now see a large red button for updating. If at any point in the future that sheet is updated online and you’re looking at an older version, simply click that button and the page will update itself to the newest version. (internet connection required)

Max size tables

Our maximum size availabilities are complicated, but we’ve managed to make them easier than ever to read. You’ll now see individual columns and rows separating standard cores and NAF cores for each size availability.

Retired product names

To make finding products using previous names easier, (New Dimensions, Respond, etc) we’ve increased label sizes at the top right to help quickly understand what document you’ve got in your hands.

Core products / Absorbing